/ Ministries / Education / Sunday School & Teens
Sunday School

St Philip's Sunday School, for students age 4 through grade 8, provides a broad-ranging education in Orthodox faith and life.  Through the use of Scripture, prayers, hymns, and icons, children learn about their Faith and the life of the Church - its Scriptures, Services, Sacraments, Feasts, and Saints.

Click here for the 2020 Sunday School Calendar.
Click here for Sunday School placement guidelines.



Teen SOYO, for students in grades 9-12, meets following the Liturgy every Sunday.  In addition to their Christian studies at that time, service and outreach activities enable them to increase their love for God and neighbor, and social activities give them the opportunity to develop relationships to last a lifetime. See Subdn. Ben and Holly Daniel for more information.

Resources for Teachers

Click here for Child Welfare Security guidelines (background check requirements).

Click here for Affidavit of Residency (if continuous resident of PA for past 10 years).


Searchable Scripture

Searchable Bible (King James Version), including the "Deuterocanonical/Aprocryphal" books

The Eucharist as the Mystery of Mysteries: Reflections on the Orthodox Unders...
13 Sep 2023 at 1:20pm

Justin and Nick discuss various aspects of how the Orthodox Church understands the Mystery, or Sacrament, of the Eucharist. What is the Eucharist? Why is it important? How do we prepare to receive it? These and other like questions.

Why Do We Go to Church?: Worship & the Image of God
12 Apr 2023 at 2:47pm

In this reboot of Living Orthodoxy, Sdn Justin Gohl and Rdr Nick Muzekari discuss the importance of going to Church, participating in the worship of the Church, as the place where we encounter Christ and find the true purpose of our lives as human...

Homily: Fr Noah on The Sunday of the Prodigal Son (3/28/21)
12 Mar 2021 at 2:25pm

We are prodigals who have gone astray and need to return to the Father. We must see ourselves as the older brother...

End of Liturgy Homily: Fr. Witalis Sunday of the Prodigal Son
12 Mar 2021 at 2:06pm

Fr. Witalis reminds us of the perils of sexual immorality. 

Homily: Fr James Thayer
18 Mar 2020 at 10:11am

Homily given by Fr James Thayer on the Divine Liturgy


And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. (Acts 11:26)

Saint Philip Orthodox Church
1970 Clearview Road
Souderton, PA  18964
office [at] st-philip.net
