Chanting Workshop (Intermediate)

Saturday, March 16th at 9:30am
Instructor: Deacon David Jacobs
All eight tones will be covered.

Space is limited; registration required.

-The day begins with welcome and coffee at 9:30am and Matins at 10
-Chanting instruction will take place until 5pm
-A break with lunch will be provided
-Evening Vespers will be at 5

What you need to bring? There is no cost to attend, but you need to be prepared with the following:
-Bring a copy of the PDF file below (you can print it out or display it on a mobile device)
-You need to have practiced the apichimas on the apichima sheet below (having them memorized would be ideal and would greatly benefit you)
-Please bring confidence and positive energy :)

Resources you need:
-PDF of the tones (Bring hard or digital copy [it is a lot to print, so you may want to bring it on your laptop] )
-Apichima sheet (Bring hard or digital copy, and practice it beforehand)
-Sound recording of the Greek Scale and all the Apichimas

A chance like this doesn't come around often, that we have an experienced chanter willing to come to our church to provide us with an opportunity to grow in our byzantine tradition. Take advantage of this; it is not something you want to miss.

If you are interested, there will be a sign up sheet on the bulletin board outside the Great Room. In addition to the sign up sheet, please email Simeon Acker whether or not you will be attending.

This workshop is geared toward those serious about learning to sing and chant in traditional church practice. This is an intermediate chanting workshop. This means that Deacon David will not be spending much time teaching the apichimas as there is a lot of chanting material to cover, so please have them prepared.

There are only 15 spots available, so mark your calendars, be enthused, and get your name on that list.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email Simeon Acker.

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Saint Philip Orthodox Church
1970 Clearview Road
Souderton, PA  18964
office [at]
